Activity Card for Unit 7
Handout 6
Calculating Conditional Probabilities
In pairs, you will apply your definition of “like” to calculate your conditional probabilities (see example on next page). To do this you will:
- Locate your ratings vector within the whole class ratings matrix and record this vector on a paper.
- Apply your definition of “like” to your own ratings vectors, putting checks and exes next to your ratings vector.
- Add your partners rating vector and preference vector to your paper.
- Conduct the same process that we did when we found the conditional probabilities for Montse and Kristina’s preference (see visual below). That is, find the probability that partner A likes a song given that partner B likes it (i.e. P(A|B)) and then the probability that partner B likes a song given that partner A likes it (i.e. P(B|A)).
- What is the probability that person A likes a song given person A likes a song (i.e. P(A|A)? What is the probability that person B likes a song given person B likes a song (i.e. P(B|B)? Explain.
- What do these probabilities tell you about how ‘similar’ your song preferences are to your partner's song preferences and vice-versa?
Add a picture of your calculations to your unit slide-show. Describe how you can interpret these. (Individual Slideshow Template, Final Project Handout)
Calculating Conditional Probability Resource