Professional Development
Interactive Workshops
High school teachers, learn directly from the youcubed curriculum writing team how to teach Explorations in Data Science, our full-year advanced mathematics course! The training is offered in two formats: weekly 2-hour online sessions during the school year or 4 days online in the summer. Both versions are interactive, cover all units (1-8) of Explorations in Data Science and include hands-on experience with the technology tools in the course.
Find the version you want, then click on dates to register
- June 17, 18 and June 24, 25 (live online)
Recording of live online workshop (self-paced recording of 10 week online course)
Feel free to reach out if you have questions about custom professional development for teaching data science. Send an email to
Office Hours
Join our curriculum writing team via Zoom for Q&A style sessions that are an ideal follow-up to the workshops mentioned above. Upcoming sessions are below— registration is required and is FREE!
- Wednesday, February 12, 11-12 pm (Pacific Time). Register here.
Online Course
21st Century Teaching and Learning: Data Science is our online course designed to help anyone teach – and learn – with a 21st century approach to knowledge and teaching. Lesson 1 of the course shares important evidence we now have about the working of the brain, that is meaningful for all subjects and ages – and lives. We then move to thinking together about the data filled world in which we live, to prepare students for their future in a world of data. The course is completely online and self-paced, so you can take it on your own time.