General Course Materials

Here you can find the links to some materials that are used throughout the course. They are also linked in each unit.

  • Weekly Sample Outlines (view or copy): These outlines provide a sample of how to cover each unit week-by-week for a 50 minute class.

  • Important Messages (view or copy): Throughout the course, there are common mathematical mindset and data science messages that are a part of the course. This document is a list of these messages and phrases and an explanation about these topics. When phrases appear in Teacher Notes for further information, see this page.
  • Student Concept Organizer (view or copy): This is a running document for the entire course where students have the option to keep track of new topics/concepts/vocabulary words. Students can use this document every time a new concept is introduced, or for the larger components of each unit. As students progress through the course and more examples of using the concepts are worked through, students are encouraged to go back and expand on their organizer definition.
  • Student Portfolio (view or copy): At the end of every unit students will build their portfolio in the form of Google Slides. This template recommends that students add a brief description of their project(s), link the projects and optionally link reflections and visuals.
  • Groupwork Rubric (view or copy): A rubric for students to individually reflect on their experiences with working in groups and provide evidence of strengths and areas for growth in their approach to collaboration.
  • Mathematical Mindset Practices Rubric (view or copy): A rubric for students to consider their development on adopting the mathematical mindset practices in their work throughout the course. Ideally this rubric will be revisited throughout the course to give students an opportunity to think about their growth over time.
  • Software Requirements for the course (view or copy): This document summarizes the software used throughout the course and the kinds of logins or accounts required to access each of them.