Unit 1

Data Tells a Story

In this unit students will be introduced to data science through a reflection of their own experiences using self-generated data, an exploration of a larger dataset of people’s media use, and an analysis of business data. Through these activities students will learn about the data science process, begin using data to tell stories, and think about the ethics involved in working with data. Students will make sense of the questions: What part of the story is told by data? What is variation? How is data generated? What data is gathered about themselves? During the unit, students will be learning to use CODAP and Google Sheets as they consider the ways data can be used to model the world. As students learn about data, they will be introduced to many different ways to represent data and will explore univariate, bivariate, and multivariate data. From the data visualizations they will consider what story they can tell from their data.

Unit Topics

  • What are variability, data, and models?
  • Data ethics
  • Data science inquiry: asking questions of data
  • Univariate, bivariate and multivariate data
  • Creating visual representations
  • What is the story I can tell from this data?
  • Data cleaning

Length of the Unit

Approximately 4 Weeks

Unit Resources

  • Full Set of Slides for the Unit: Each unit comes with a presentation in Google Slides that you can view or copy.  As you read through the unit, you will see links to view individual slides in the presentation to show you which slide is being discussed.  We recommend that you make your own copy of the presentation and refer to each slide as you go, making any notes or edits that you like!
  • Sample Weekly Outline:  This document (copy link) illustrates a suggested way to cover the material in this unit week-by-week.
  • Student Weekly Reflections: Each unit comes with a set of weekly reflections in Google Docs that you can view or copy. These tasks are an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning from the week. We encourage you to pick a set day of the week and complete the reflections as a Do Now activity.
  • Technology Resources: For each unit, we have compiled a Google Doc with tutorials and more that you can view or copy.  This document covers all of the technology used in the unit.

Course Resources

  • Important Messages (view or copy): Throughout the course, there are common mathematical mindset and data science messages that are a part of the course. This document is a list of these messages and phrases and an explanation about these topics. When phrases appear in Teacher Notes for further information, see this page.
  • Student Concept Organizer (view or copy): This is a running document for the entire course where students have the option to keep track of new topics/concepts/vocabulary words. Students can use this document every time a new concept is introduced, or for the larger components of each unit. As students progress through the course and more examples of using the concepts are worked through, students are encouraged to go back and expand on their organizer definition.
  • Student Portfolio (view or copy): At the end of every unit students will build their portfolio in the form of Google Slides. This template recommends that students add a brief description of their project(s), link the projects and optionally link reflections and visuals.
  • Software Requirements for the course (view or copy).

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